Diversity In Tech
Neurodiversity: A Hidden Asset in the Tech Industry
Neurodivergency is fairly common, with an estimated 15-20% of the population considered to be divergent. These individuals thrive in tech, and could be the industry's secret superpower.

Tech Trends
User Personas in UX Design: When Are They Useful?
Some designers view personas as a key tool for inspiring empathy for your users, while others argue that they’re overrated and unnecessary. What are some common problems with user personas, and how can designers ensure they’ve created one that’s useful?

Career Advice
GitHub Profile and Git Practices for Job Seekers
Stand out in your job search and interviews with a unique GitHub profile and industry-standard commit practices.

Career Advice
System Design Interview Overview for Software Engineers
System design interviews are open-ended and test different skills than coding-based interviews. This post will clarify the interview process and give you guidelines to start preparing for one today.

Tech Trends
What Do Designers Use Figma For?
Figma is by far the most popular software in the design industry today. But how does Figma fit into the workflow of a professional product designer?

Alumni Stories
Juliet Day: Law to Data Science
“I’ve been here for over a year and I still love it and find it exciting every day. In some ways, it’s the law career I never had.”