How to Learn JavaScript for Free

Learn JavaScript For Free

Learning any programming language can be challenging, and JavaScript isn’t an exception. Check out this list of resources for how to learn JavaScript for free.

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Learning any programming language can be challenging, and JavaScript isn’t an exception. You’ll need to get the basic concepts like code syntax and programming style before you can efficiently learn JavaScript.

However, if you have already used other programming languages such as HTML and CSS, you’ll have an easier time learning this language. You’ll also find a lot of tools for writing and testing JavaScript code online since it is a very popular and essential programming language.

JavaScript is one of the most essential and powerful programming languages on the web. It is the language behind interactive websites with graphical elements. It is also very popular, with an estimate that over 95% of all live websites use JavaScript. As a result, it is one of the most in-demand languages to learn as a web developer.

What does JavaScript do?

JavaScript is used to build both web and mobile applications, often from the ground up. It is also a critical component of a website’s front end. The look of most websites is made possible by a combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

HTML determines a website’s structure, CSS defines a site’s style, and Javascript makes a website interactive. Animations, searches, and multimedia on a webpage are a few of the interactive elements controlled by this coding language.

Javascript is also used to build web servers, create server-side applications, and in-game development. Check out this article for 9 things you can do with JavaScript.

What you need to learn about JavaScript

Learning a programming language can be challenging for many. However, some languages are easier to learn and master compared to others. Straightforward syntax, clean code, and simple programming commands are some of the key features of an easy coding language to learn.

JavaScript is one of the first languages that developers learn because it’s relatively easy to learn, especially once you know HTML and CSS. Additionally, Ruby, Python, and PHP are easy-to-learn programming languages for a beginner programmer.

As a beginner, there are some basic concepts you should learn before moving to more advanced Javascript and its frameworks. Once you’ve mastered these well, you’ll be proficient in the language quickly.

‌Some topics you need to learn include:

  • JavaScript syntax
  • How to structure code
  • Variables, data structure, data types, and basic data operators
  • Functions, loops, and conditional statements
  • Interactions like alerts prompts, and confirmations

Should you avoid JavaScript frameworks?

It is better to focus on learning the basics of the Javascript programming language first as a beginner before rushing to learn the frameworks.

That said, Javascript frameworks are a useful tool that you should learn how to use. They help developers build apps faster and with more functionality, both on the front-end and back-end of web applications. Frameworks are also easier to debug and save the developer from writing repetitive code.

Most frameworks have plenty of documentation and active communities to help you through any challenges you may face.

Popular Javascript frameworks include:

  • React
  • Vue.js
  • Angular
  • Ember.js
  • Express.js

Learn JavaScript for free online using these resources

There are plenty of resources to learn Javascript online. It is advisable that you first learn HTML and CSS before starting Javascript so that you have a foundation in coding knowledge.

Flatiron School has a wealth of resources for learning JavaScript online.

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Disclaimer: The information in this blog is current as of 18 November 2021. For updated information visit

Disclaimer: The information in this blog is current as of November 18, 2021. Current policies, offerings, procedures, and programs may differ.

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