15 Places to Learn How to Code for Free in Seattle

Though not quite Silicon Valley, Seattle still has an incredibly deep tech legacy. We all know about Amazon and the vast number of tech companies in the surrounding area, including Microsoft, Nintendo, Expedia, and many more. At Flatiron School, we’re excited to enrich Seattle’s tech scene. Whether you’re new to code or a Microsoft and […]

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Though not quite Silicon Valley, Seattle still has an incredibly deep tech legacy. We all know about Amazon and the vast number of tech companies in the surrounding area, including Microsoft, Nintendo, Expedia, and many more. At Flatiron School, we’re excited to enrich Seattle’s tech scene. Whether you’re new to code or a Microsoft and Amazon vet, here are the best places to learn how to code for free in Seattle.

Long-term free coding class options

Ada Developers Academy

Experience level: Beginner Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails Audience: All

Ada Developers Academy is a free coding bootcamp that teaches full-stack web development for six months followed by a five-month paid internship. Students attend in-person classes from 9am-5pm with an estimated 10 to 15 hours of homework and study per week.

Free Coding Classes and Meetup Events

SeattleJS Hackers

SeattleJS Hackers has over 2,000 members on Meetup with weekly events covering a range of topics. There are bi-weekly coding sessions, weekly community hack nights, and informative panels with guest speakers. The group promotes an inclusive and safe coding environment that’s open to all skill levels. SeattleJS Hackers has also compiled resources to help coders and they maintain an active Slack channel.

She’s Coding

This meetup empowers women and non-binary individuals to be a part of the tech industry. She’s Coding hosts weekly meetups where members can get help on coding projects, gain advice for technical interviews, and develop their presentation skills. There are also hosted events with guest speakers. As a non-profit organization, She’s Coding provides informational resources for women currently in, or interested in, tech and a mentorship program.

Operation Code: Seattle

Operation Code is a non-profit working with the military community to learn code and start a career in tech. Flatiron School previously partnered with Operation Code for a scholarship and believe strongly in their work. Operation Code: Seattle hosts monthly meetups and is open to all levels of coders. If you’ve been curious about a career in tech and a member of the military community, we recommend attending one of their events.

Puget Sound Programming Python (PuPPy)

As the great name states, this meetup is for anyone interested in Python. Whether you’re just starting out with Python or you’re a Python veteran looking to achieve their career goals, PuPPy has an event for you. There are regular programming nights, coding interview practice sessions, and informative talks. PuPPy also hosts programming nights in Bellevue for members who can’t make it to Seattle.

Flatiron School

We love Seattle’s vibrant and inclusive tech community, which is why we’re excited to host regular meetups. All events are free, usually include snacks, and open to all levels of coders. You can expect informational panels, Q&As with guest speakers, women in tech events, and community coding nights. You don’t have to be enrolled in one of our bootcamps to attend and we promise there’s no hard sell to sign up at our meetups. Attend, feel empowered, and learn more about code and tech. Flatiron School wants to foster a vibrant global tech community and we’re excited to host events in Seattle. We hope to see you at one soon!

SDE Skills (Seattle / Eastside Coding Interviews Practice)

While it won’t teach you how to code, SDE Skills offers a valuable service for all software engineers. Each Meetup is dedicated to interview prep and coding interview practice. 


Beer&&Code combines two things all Seattleites can get behind. The Meetup is more of a casual gathering for developers who want to spend time working on their projects alongside fellow software engineers. Meetups are held once a month.

Learn to Code Seattle

Organized by the coding bootcamp Galvanize, Learn to Code Seattle is geared newcomers and beginners. Learn to Code features workshops in programming fundamentals, discussion panels, and résumé workshops.

Seattle Tech Mentors

Finding a mentor in any profession is a great idea. It’s especially true in tech. But, going up to someone and asking them to be your mentor is easier said and done. At Seattle Tech Mentors, you don’t have to worry about that as you get advice from experienced professionals in the tech industry.

Creative Code and Coffee

For early risers, Creative Code and Coffee is a great way to start the day. Spend some time with like-minded developers and work on some code ahead of a busy day or before you go to work.

Free Code Camp Seattle

Sponsored by Sauce Labs and The Tech Academy, Free Code Camp Seattle is tailored toward newcomers interested in code. Each month’s Meetup focuses on a specific topic related to your coding journey. Past events include résumé workshops, coding sessions, and career advice discussions.

Seattle Hackathons

This Meetup is a great resource for anyone looking to join a hackathon. Seattle Hackathons hosts its own Meetups and also highlights hackathons around Seattle.

Seattle Software Crafters

This Meetup is geared toward anyone who wants to improve their coding skills. There are general Meetups, coding workshops, and skill-based demonstrations. Past events include “Mob Programming by Example” and “Coding Kata Workshop.”

Seattle JS

As the name implies, this is a Meetup for anyone working with JavaScript. Seattle JS is open to developers across all experience levels. The monthly Meetups include time for networking, talks, and a social hour to end the night.

Disclaimer: The information in this blog is current as of August 15, 2018. Current policies, offerings, procedures, and programs may differ.

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