Flatiron School Blog

UX / UI Product Design
Summer Tech Must-Reads for UX/UI Designers
Did you know UX/UI design and the summer are perfect companions? It’s true. Learning about design and getting inspired by the world around you helps you forget about the heat. Our Product Design Team was eager to share their recommendations for the best UX/UI design books to read. Whether your interest in the User Experience […]

Alumni Stories
This Alum Found a Fresh Start and New Career as a Data Scientist
Britta B. has always had an analytical mind. She studied psychology and statistics in college and had a job in market research after graduation. Her career path followed some unexpected detours: She was a personal assistant to a global CEO before he quit the company and purchased a hotel. He asked Britta to run the […]

Flatiron School
Flatiron School’s Houston Campus Celebrates Its First Year Changing Careers and Lives
Just one year ago, we launched our Houston campus. More than ever, the city’s home to a burgeoning startup scene and some of the biggest companies in the world.

Data Science
Summer Tech Must-Reads for Data Science
Just because it’s summertime, that’s no reason to stop learning. Here are five great must-read books to bring to the beach depending on where you are in your journey towards becoming a Data Scientist. Data Science for the Layman by Annalyn Ng and Kenneth Soo If you’re just starting to explore Data Science and don’t […]

Career Advice
Best Practices for Online Learning (And How Our Educational Coaches Help You Succeed)
Online learning can sometimes feel intimidating — especially at first. It’s a different experience, and there’s a lot at stake as you work toward starting…

Data Science
What Does it Take to Become a Data Scientist?
Data Science is one of the fastest growing, most lucrative and most interesting careers options available. But a lot of prospective students are concerned that…

Software Engineering
Summer Tech Must-Reads for Software Engineers
Summer’s finally here. It’s time to go to the beach — or grab a coveted spot by the pool — and catch up on some…
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