Flatiron School Blog

Software Engineering
Building Your first Command Line Application in Ruby
If you have Ruby installed on your computer and you’d like to get a little bit of practice coding, this article will run you through creating your very first Command Line Interface in Ruby. Assumptions: This article is not for everyone! It’s for people with some experience of coding. To make this accessible without being […]

Career Advice
Flatiron School’s Ultimate Guide to Tech Events in NYC in 2020
We’ve compiled a guide to some of the best tech events in NYC in 2020

Data Science
The Future of Natural Language Processing
Data (and Computer) Scientists have been working for a long time on improving the ability for algorithms to derive meaning from natural (human) languages – whether they’re trying to create a bot that responds to users questions on their website or determine whether people love or hate their brand on Twitter. The bad news is […]

Alumni Stories
What Happens When an Opera Singer Discovers Data Science?
Meet Flatiron School Online Data Science grad Chris Remmel! He was an Opera Singer and Fundraiser, but eventually followed his passion for technology. Read How Chris was mega-scrappy about his remote job search in New Hampshire to land a position with Dartmouth College. You received a bachelors in music from UCLA and then went on […]

Career Advice
5 Cool Chicago Companies Hiring Software Engineers
While the moniker of “Silicon Prairie” may not have the same longevity or charm as the Windy City, it’s a fitting title for Chicago. The city is home to tech giants, innovative startups, and a burgeoning tech community. Not to mention the national corporations, bustling restaurant and hospitality scene, and sports companies—because these days, everyone […]

Career Advice
Summer Tech Must-Reads to Become a Lifelong Learner
What if a company did everything in its power to create a culture in which everyone—not just select “high potentials”—could overcome their own internal barriers to grow rapidly and change with the economy around them to achieve personal and company growth? The tech industry is known for pushing people to the edge of their potential, […]

Flatiron School Reaches Agreement to Acquire SecureSet
Like SecureSet, we believe in the power of lifelong learning and how that can support a more secure and empowered future
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