Flatiron School Blog

Alumni Stories
From Peace Corps to Predicting Weather: Mark Ehler’s Story
After returning from the Peach Corps, Mark Ehler worked in a retina lab but wanted to improve lives in a bigger way. Mark enrolled in Flatiron School and now uses machine learning principles to better predict weather pattens.

Software Engineering
5 Places to Learn to Code for Free in Charlotte
Find out where you can learn to code for free and other coding bootcamps in Charlotte.

The Mindset Shift That Will Supercharge Your Network
Having worked with thousands of Flatiron School graduates who have successfully launched new careers in tech, we have seen that one topic strikes dread into the heart of a job-seeker more than any other: NETWORKING. Among the many reactions our Career Services team hears in response to this term: “Networking is sleazy and artificial.” “Why […]

A Change to Our Programming
Over the past few weeks, we’ve explored ways to reduce operating costs in a way that ensures we can continue to serve our students with the quality of education they deserve and have come to expect.

Software Engineering
4 Places to Learn How to Code for Free in Miami
Learn to code for free with these free coding class in Miami.
Expanded Access: The Access Scholarship in the wake of COVID-19
Flatiron School is a community of life-long learners and career changers, finding connections as students, instructors, and learning communities, both online and in-person.

Flatiron School
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask a Question: Problem Solving on Learn.co
Flatiron School no longer user the Ask a Question feature When you get stuck on a coding problem, there’s a benefit to working at it and googling it before asking for help. But when you’ve exhausted those options, it’s time to ask a question. Unfortunately, that’s not the easiest thing to do when learning online […]
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