Flatiron School Blog

Alumni Stories
Courtney Pimentel: Sales Associate to IT
"The most surprising thing about my time at Flatiron was discovering how much I could learn and grow in such a short amount of time."

How To
A Guide to Cloud Identity and Access Management (Cloud IAM)
Discover how Cloud IAM addresses the security challenges of cloud environments, ensuring granular access control for enhanced protection and efficiency.

Tech Trends
Microinteractions: Small Design Details That Make a Big Difference
Can small design details really yield big usability improvements? When microinteractions are implemented thoughtfully, the answer is yes. Learn how these subtle design cues can increase user understanding of a digital interface, reduce errors, and strengthen brand voice within a product’s design.

How To
The Power of Variables: Storing and Using Information
Variables are one of the most important concepts in programming. Read on to learn how to think about them intuitively.

Tech Trends
Understanding Data: A Beginner’s Guide to Data Types and Structures
Explore the essentials of data types and structures in this beginner's guide. Learn about integers, strings, floats, lists, dictionaries and more.

Alumni Stories
Kendall McNeil: From Project Management to Data Science
"When I found Flatiron School, I was excited about the opportunity to level up my coding skills and gain a deeper understanding of machine learning and AI."

Career Advice
Why a Cybersecurity Career Change Might be the Perfect Move
Cybersecurity is an evolving industry with evolving threats. A diverse body of employees in the field is crucial to identifying and tackling threats posed to a global digital infrastructure.
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