Flatiron School Blog

Webinar: Skills-Based Hiring Is On The Rise
For companies struggling to hire during the COVID-19 pandemic, talent acquisition teams are left wondering — how do we fill the skills gap? One solution: focus on hiring employees based on the skills it takes to accomplish the job.

Software Engineering
Download: The Tech Beginner’s Guide to Finding the Right Coding Bootcamp
This free downloadable guide is your resources for the most frequently asked questions about where to learn to code, how to fit a coding bootcamp into your schedule, what you’ll learn, and how to pay for it.

Cybersecurity Engineering
Fight the Phish! How to Spot & Report Phishing Attempts
Phishing attacks can take many forms, none of them savory. October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and Flatiron School has compiled a collection of tips that you can use to protect your devices and sensitive personal information.

Career Advice
6 Ways a Career Coach Can Help Land Your First Tech Job
Figuring out how to land your first job in tech can be overwhelming. Fortunately, Flatiron School offers 180 days of 1:1 career coaching to support you through the tech job search.

Career Advice
How to Get Hired in Data Science without a Master’s Degree
Job postings for your dream jobs in data science all seem to require a master’s degree — is there any way to get into data science without getting a master’s? The answer is simple: absolutely. And we have plenty of proof to back that up.

Career Advice
The Best Books to Learn Computer Programming
Computer programming can help people solve complex problems and make money by creating and selling solutions. Discover the best books about computer programming here.

Cybersecurity Engineering
Cybersecurity Awareness Starts Right Here: 5 Practical Tips to #BeCyberSmart
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). We asked Flatiron School’s cybersecurity instructors — What is one simple action people can take to keep their digital lives secure?
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