Flatiron School Blog

Guidehouse signs on as a hiring partner for Amazon Career Choice program
Guidehouse, a provider of management, technology, and risk consulting services, has committed to be an Amazon Career Choice hiring partner. Amazon Career Choice is an employee upskill and retrain program at Flatiron School.

Why Digital Upskilling is Crucial for Business Growth
The right upskilling opportunities hold the key to the success of an organization’s digital transformation. Outfit your workforce today with new skills to take on tech roles.

Data Science
Learn to Code Python: Free Lesson for Beginners
Behind JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and SQL, Python is the fourth most popular language with 44.1% of developers. Check out this article on how you can learn this popular programming language for free.

Software Engineering
How to Learn JavaScript for Free
Learning any programming language can be challenging, and JavaScript isn’t an exception. Check out this list of resources for how to learn JavaScript for free.

Software Engineering
Best Websites to Learn to Code for Free
If you're entering the tech industry, get ready to learn to code — but can you do it for free? Check out these resources - compiled by Flatiron School - where you can learn to code for free.

7 Benefits of Upskilling: Find Your Next Star Tech Employee In Your Workforce
Hiring is hands down one of the most important activities in every company — and you’ll find little disagreement on that point. But hiring good talent is hard. Why upskilling your staff can improve employee satisfaction AND help fill your hiring gaps.

Smoothstack commits as new hiring partner for Amazon Career Choice program
Flatiron School is excited to announce that Smoothstack has committed to be an Amazon Career Choice hiring partner. Smoothstack is a technology talent incubator that provides specific technical training for emerging talent to kickstart IT careers, and will be joining the Amazon Career Choice as a hiring partner for software engineering and cybersecurity students. “Our […]
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