Flatiron School Blog
Flatiron School
Is UX / UI Design a Good Career?
A product designer’s role is to analyze product goals from the conceptual phase and translate them into a functional design that appeals to customers.
Software Engineering
Will I Get a Job After Coding Bootcamp?
There’s an urgent need for more qualified coders. According to the Bureau Of Labor Statistics, until 2029 there will be a 22% increase in employment for software developers.
New hiring partners look to JSF Fellowship to support inclusion and find exceptional talent
Flatiron School's John Stanley Fellowship is an opportunity for Black students to pursue tech careers with a fellowship and additional career coaching. These companies are new JSF hiring partners for 2021.
How to Start an Upskilling Program at Your Company
But finding new hires to fill tech jobs in a highly competitive market is expensive and time-consuming—and there’s always a risk that the investment in a new employee won’t work out. Upskilling is the solution to fill your technical skills gap.
Tech Trends
What Does A Product Designer Do?
A product designer is responsible for the design and development of a product. Learn more about this exciting line of work here.
Flatiron School
How Much Do Product Designers Make?
A product designer works across all stages of the product lifecycle to optimize the user experience. But is it a good career and how much money do they make? Read this article to find out how much product designers can make.
Guidehouse signs on as a hiring partner for Amazon Career Choice program
Guidehouse, a provider of management, technology, and risk consulting services, has committed to be an Amazon Career Choice hiring partner. Amazon Career Choice is an employee upskill and retrain program at Flatiron School.
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