Flatiron School Blog

Software Engineering
What Is an API Integration & Why Does It Matter?
An API — which stands for application programming interface — is a software interface that connects two or more applications to exchange data. Learn all about it here.

Career Advice
It’s 2022: Do I Still Need A Cover Letter?
The cover letter still remains an important part of the job application process. Here are 4 reasons why you should never underestimate the power of a good cover letter.

Alumni Stories
From Teacher to Data Scientist: Lisa’s Story
Lisa was a middle school math teacher for 20 years, but was ready for a change. After completing the data science bootcamp at Flatiron School, Lisa is weeks away from starting her new career as data analyst II with a highly-respected Fortune 250 company.

Flatiron School
How to be your authentic self in the first interview
How to be your authentic self? Flatiron School career coaches show you ways to enhance social profiles to get noticed after coding school.

Flatiron School
Gaining Support During a Career Change
Changing careers can be overwhelming when you do not have a good support group. Learn ways to overcome career change blues with our 2022 tips.

Career Advice
3 Things To Let Go Of When Making A Career Change
You’re at a pivotal point in your career and you start to wonder if you want to be in the same industry the rest of your life. Where do you begin? Right here.

Software Engineering
How Hard are Coding Bootcamps?
Thinking about a coding bootcamp, but wondering what you're up against? This article details how hard you should expect it to be.
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