Denver Campus

Flatiron School
Consumer FAQs
If you’re wondering whether a Flatiron School bootcamp is right for you, check out some common Consumer FAQs about our programs.

Career Advice
Should You Try A Bootcamp?
For learners that wish to acquire new tech skills, there are typically two options: self-teaching the material, or an online structured course. Curriculum Designer Siana Altiise discusses the pros and cons of each avenue in this article, and why a middle-of-the-road path may be the ideal avenue to take.

Denver Campus
The 20 Best Companies to Work for in Denver
Work/life balance is one of the first things employees look for in a company — and it’s especially true for Denverites. Heading outdoors, volunteer opportunities and events are all important to Denverites, and local companies have heard them loud and clear, competing to be the best companies to work for in Colorado. Many Denver-based companies […]

Alumni Stories
How One Flatiron Grad Went From Lawyer to Coder Helping to Fight Climate Change
At Flatiron School, our success is our students’ success — when students get jobs, we’ve done our job. But, students’ stories don’t end after they graduate. In this series, we chat with members of Flatiron School’s alumni community about their journey into code, and how that journey transformed their life. Remmy C., one of Flatiron […]
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