Data Science

Data Science
Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning
Neural networks, supervised learning, reinforcement learning — what are they, and how will they impact our lives?

Data Science
R Vs Python: Which One Should You Learn?
Should I learn R or Python? It's a good question. Here we give you the definitive answer based on use cases, popularity, ease of learning, and more.

Data Science
How to Get Into Flatiron School’s Data Science Program
As a Data Science coach at Flatiron School who’s conducted almost 100 technical admissions interviews over the past year, I’m here to help.

Data Science
How To Start Learning Data Science
24 resources for how to start learning data science.

Alumni Stories
From Archaeological Digs to Mining Data: Jenny Kreiger’s Story
After completing a doctorate in classical art and archaeology, Jenny traded in her dig shovel for a laptop and enrolled in Flatiron School's Data Science course. Now, she's pursuing her true passion for discovering the answers that are unearthed in data.

Alumni Stories
From Financial Forecasting to Covid Forecasting
“Instead of looking at the current uncertainties as a setback, I would look at it as an opportunity for us to further improve ourselves with additional skills.” // Meet Flatiron School Data Science Alum and volunteer at Young Digital Leaders, Khairul Omar! After spending years in Business Performance Analysis, Khairul decided to skill up with data science to expand […]

Alumni Stories
One Student’s Journey From Media Marketing to Effortless Event Planning
Meet London Flatiron School Alum and Data Scientist Shuyu Wu
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