Data Science

Data Science
How Long Does It Take to Become a Data Scientist?
Glassdoor ranked Data Scientists in the top 3 on their list of “Best Job in America” for 5 years in a row. But how long does it take to become a data scientist?

Data Science
12 High-Paying Data Science Jobs and How To Get Them
Thinking about a career as a data scientist? See skills you’d need to learn, and the highly lucrative data scientist jobs that are available.

Data Science
10 Best Data Science Programming Languages
JavaScript, Python, C/C++ — what data science programming language should you learn if you want to become a data scientist in 2021?

Career Advice
How to Become a Data Scientist Without a Degree
Starting a data science career is more accessible than ever — even if you don't have a Master's or Doctorate degree.

Data Science
Data Analyst vs. Data Scientist: What’s the Difference?
The difference between data analysis and data science is in very specific skills, responsibilities, and salaries. Learn more.

Alumni Stories
From Acting to Big Data Engineer: Chuck Pryor Jr.’s Story
Chuck came to Flatiron School with a dream to work in tech and an extraordinary career that already spanned several professions. He went from barely being able to code to building a Convolutional Neural Network with Image Classification to help patients with peripheral neuropathy better care for themselves.

Data Science
How to Become a Data Analyst in 2023
Even with no experience, you can learn the skills needed to become a data analyst. Here's a step-by-step guide to start your new career.
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