Cybersecurity Engineering

Alumni Stories
Maxwell Wolfe: DJ to Cybersecurity
“I appreciated the collaborative environment of the program, where we were encouraged to work in teams, brainstorm, and devise solutions for our projects.”

Alumni Stories
Travon Bryant: Amazon Career Choice 2022
“SIEM was my favorite part of the program. It amazed me how the information could give us so much insight.”

Cybersecurity Engineering
How to Get into Cybersecurity in 2023
Wondering how to get into Cybersecurity? No matter where you’re starting from, there is a path for you into the industry.

Cybersecurity Engineering
Are Cybersecurity Bootcamps Worth It In 2024?
Deciding whether or not a cybersecurity bootcamp is worth it comes down to your individual reasons for attending and professional goals.

Alumni Stories
Tony Khawaja-Lopez: MMA Coach to Cybersecurity
“My life simply wouldn't be the same without changing careers. My wife and I are living well because of my career switch.”

Alumni Stories
Qingsong Chen: Biology to Cybersecurity
“My favorite part of the program was the hands-on labs. Only by getting your hands dirty can truly understand what you have learned.”

Cybersecurity Engineering
Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023
For the 20th Cybersecurity Awareness Month we’re featuring 5 recent Cybersecurity grads and their reasons for pursuing a career in the field.
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