More from Siana

Career Advice

Imposter Syndrome: Overcome Fear And Doubt In The Learning Process

Imposter Syndrome is common, affecting about 70% of people at least once. Here is how to recognize it and break the cycle of self-doubt.
Career Advice

Should You Try A Bootcamp?

For learners that wish to acquire new tech skills, there are typically two options: self-teaching the material, or an online structured course. Curriculum Designer Siana Altiise discusses the pros and cons of each avenue in this article, and why a middle-of-the-road path may be the ideal avenue to take.
Career Advice

So, You're Ready for a Change?

The thought of beginning a career change can be incredibly overwhelming, leaving some stuck in the research phase for years. Here are 6 tips for taking action and moving forward when you are ready for a change.
UX / UI Product Design

Learning How to Learn

For some Flatiron School students, the shift to online learning can be difficult. Curriculum Designer Siana Altiise has tips for new students on how to excel in their program, beginning with learning how to learn.