Flatiron School

Horcruxes or Repos? A Git Guide to the Perplexed

The following is a guest post by David Manaster and originally appeared on his blog. David is currently a student at The Flatiron School. You can follow him on twitter here. It’s been an exciting first week at Flatiron School! By far the most confusing thing for me to date has been Git. So I’m going to dump everything I know […]
Flatiron School

Fumbling Around in Git With Fat Fingers

The following is a guest post by Micah Corn and originally appeared on his blog. Micah is currently a student at The Flatiron School. You can follow him on Twitter here. As a babe in this programming excursion, I am always looking for help while I tool around. This has been very true with my playtime with ‘Git’. […]
Flatiron School

Guest Speaker: Gwen Bell

Name: Gwen Bell     Job: Technical writer and web developer Site: gwenbell.com    Twitter: @gwenbell GitHub: Gwen Bell What are you speaking about today? The magic of Git. (With a little Node.js, Express, Jade, Stylus and Markdown thrown in for good measure.) What was your experience learning to code? I’m self-taught. Started with a book in 2004 because I wanted to make […]
Flatiron School

Guest Speaker: Jeff Casimir

  Name: Jeff Casimir Job: Principal at Jumpstart Lab, Director of gSchool Site: [http://jumpstartlab.com](http://jumpstartlab.com) & http://gschool.it Twitter: @j3   What was your experience learning to code? I have a degree in computer engineering and, when I got done with school, I had really no more interest in programming. It wasn’t until three years later when I discovered Rails, […]
Flatiron School

What Makes The Flatiron School Special?

The answer below was originally posted in response to a question on Quora about what distinguishes us from other programs. — Hey, I’m Avi, Dean of the Flatiron School I haven’t gone through any other programs (though I did create the syllabus for the original GA Intro to Web Development), so I can’t tell you what […]
Flatiron School

Programmer Of The Day: Grace Hopper

Today’s programmer of the day is Grace Hopper, computer scientist and United States Navy officer. She created the first compiler for a programming language, as well as one of the first modern programming languages COBOL. She served in WWII, and even popularized the term “debugging” when her team was removing an actual moth from a […]