Can I Get a Job After Web Development Bootcamp?

A web development bootcamp is a great way to break into the tech industry. Learn more about the jobs you can get after bootcamp & how career services can help.

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Don’t know where to start your tech career? A web development bootcamp is a great way to break into the tech industry. Learn more about the jobs you can get after a web development bootcamp and how a career coach can help with your job search.

What is a web development bootcamp?

According to a report done by Course Report, in 2013, around 2,200 bootcamp students would be graduating, but in 2020, the number of bootcamp graduates rose to almost 25,000—more than a 10x increase!

estimated bootcamp grads

An alternative to a college or university, a web development bootcamp is an accelerated program where students learn the fundamentals of coding with hands-on projects to develop their portfolio. 

Web development bootcamps can take anywhere from 16-60 weeks to complete, whereas most computer science programs at a university can take up to four years to graduate. Either way, you will learn relevant job skills like HTML & CSS, Java, C++, Python, or Ruby on Rails.

what do I learn in web development bootcamp

Do I need relevant experience before enrolling in a web development bootcamp?

Most web development bootcamps do not require any prior experience with coding, programming languages, or other related fields. While most web development bootcamps invite true beginners, students with fundamental knowledge of coding typically find it easier to keep up with the curriculum.

If an application for web development bootcamps asks about your prior coding experience, it is perfectly acceptable to put down “none.” Most bootcamps developed their curriculum specifically with the total beginner in mind. 

Having a dedicated career coach can help you get a job after bootcamp

One of the major benefits of a web development bootcamp experience is the career coaching. For example, Flatiron School includes up to 180 days of 1:1 career coaching after graduation. Your career coach will work with you while you look for your first job. Your career coach will support you throughout the entire job search process, including resume reviews, mock interviews, and how to handle job offers. 

career coaching is a benefit of coding bootcamp

What jobs can I get after a web development bootcamp?

Keep in mind that some jobs may not be listed as precisely what you’d think they would be listed as. For example, a website designer may be listed as front-end developers or full-stack web developers. 

Here’s a list of the most common job titles found within these tech fields, along with a small summary of what the job entails and average salaries based on major US cities:

6 Common job titles you can get after web development bootcamp: 

common job titles are web development bootcamp

1. Junior Developer

A junior software developer is an entry-level developer who focuses on writing and maintaining codes for computer applications. Their responsibilities include learning the company’s codebase, working on minor bug fixes and patches, and participating in paired programming with mid-level and senior-level web developers.

Junior developer salaries* by location

*current as of July 2021


New York, New York

Los Angeles, California

Chicago, Illinois

Houston, Texas

Phoenix, Arizona

2. Front-end Web Developer

A front-end web developer ensures that website visitors can easily navigate the pages of the website. Their responsibilities include designing and programming a website’s appearance for aesthetics to the user by working with fonts, colors, styling, and much more.

Front-end web developer salaries* by location

*current as of July 2021


New York, New York

Los Angeles, California

Chicago, Illinois

Houston, Texas

Phoenix, Arizona

3. Back-end Web Developer

Back-end web development is viewed as a contrast to front-end web development. A back-end web developer builds and maintains the technology it takes to power a website or a server, enabling the user’s side of the interface to exist in the first place. Back-end developers deal with server/database management and traffic control.

Back-end web developer salaries* by location

*current as of July 2021


New York, New York

Los Angeles, California

Chicago, Illinois

Houston, Texas

Phoenix, Arizona

4. Full-stack Web Developers

Full-stack web developers manage both front-end and back-end web development. Full-stack developers handle all servers, databases, systems, and front-end web page design. Depending on the size of the company, there may be full-stack web developers on staff instead of a front-end and a back-end developer. Because there are many responsibilities of a full-stack developer, they get compensated better than most web developers.

Full-stack web developer salaries* by location

*current as of July 2021


New York, New York

Los Angeles, California

Chicago, Illinois

Houston, Texas

Phoenix, Arizona

5. Software Developer

Software developers design and code websites and applications. Often, they are building for a business’ needs or goals, while still making sure it meets the user’s needs as well.  They may also recommend or create software upgrades. They also design each piece of a particular application or system and plan how each of these pieces will fit each other.

Software developer salaries* by location

*current as of July 2021


New York, New York

Los Angeles, California

Chicago, Illinois

Houston, Texas

Phoenix, Arizona

6. Software Engineer

Software engineers solve immediate problems while minimizing trade-offs to other parts of the facility, system, and architecture. Software engineers can do everything that a software developer can do, but they approach their problem with a different design philosophy.

Software engineer salaries* by location

*current as of July 2021


New York, New York

Los Angeles, California

Chicago, Illinois

Houston, Texas

Phoenix, Arizona

No matter which job you decide to pursue, a web development bootcamp can teach you the skills you need to know to start a career in web development. Check out the Flatiron School curriculum to see what you could learn in web development bootcamp.  

Disclaimer: The information in this blog is current as of September 24, 2021. Current policies, offerings, procedures, and programs may differ.

About Kabeer Bhatia

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