Flatiron Day 25: Networking

Kicking-off week 5 we started the morning with pair coding on our class App LocationQuiz

Reading Time 1 min

The following is a guest post by Dulio Denis and originally appeared on his blog. Dulio is currently in the iOS-000 class at The Flatiron School. You can follow him on Twitter here.

Kicking-off week 5 we started the morning with pair coding on our class App LocationQuiz.  We implemented the design we crafted on Friday – getting location venues from FourSquare and filling a new Nearest Locations Table View controller. This was a good exercise in practicing our Inter View Controller Communication as the Nearest Location needs to send its chosen venue object back to the presenting View Controller that spawned it.  Instead of implementing a delegate in the presenting controller we did this by having a property on both sides and setting that object before we popping the Nearest Location View Controller.

After some lunch at Sophie’s we went into Afternoon Lecture that covered the anatomy of a request.  This introduced networking at a broad computer science level from the abstract to the specific: from the 7-layer ISO OSI model through browser render phases and the Two Generals Problem.  We discussed HTTP verbs, response codes, DNS, and even How They Lay Submarine Cables.

We finished up by reading some of About Tim Berners-Lee quotes who was of course a Cocoa man coding in Cocoa before it was called Cocoa (true NeXTStep days).

We then started a Weather App with the Weather Underground. This got us to introduce NSURLConnection.  Tomorrow, we’ll continue this but start using it in the background in the data store.  This will get us to a point where we can start AFNetworking.

Also, tomorrow we have a guest speaker, Matt Bischoff, who will discuss Good Objective-C Coding Style.  Our reading tonight is The NYTimes Objective-C Style Guide which I’ll do right after I finish the homework due tonight.

Disclaimer: The information in this blog is current as of November 5, 2013. Current policies, offerings, procedures, and programs may differ.

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