UX / UI Product Design

Alumni Stories
Alisha Murray: Fashion To Product Design
“Working as a product designer has been so fulfilling. I have found the career that fulfills parts of me that I wasn't using in retail.”

Alumni Stories
Matthew Thomas-Wicher: Law to Design
“I am so happy I made the switch. I feel like I look at the world around me and how people interact with technology so differently now.”

Women In Tech
Women In Tech: 4 Grad’s Stories | Women’s History Month
In celebration of Women’s History Month, here are the stories of four recent female Flatiron School grads making waves in the tech industry.

Diversity In Tech
Black History Month | POC in Tech: Five Graduate’s Stories
For POC in tech, it can often feel like they don't belong. These five grad's stories prove otherwise, that yes - POC do belong in tech.

UX / UI Product Design
Learning How to Learn
For some Flatiron School students, the shift to online learning can be difficult. Curriculum Designer Siana Altiise has tips for new students on how to excel in their program, beginning with learning how to learn.

UX / UI Product Design
Corporate vs. Freelance vs. Start-Up Product Design Career Paths
Traditionally, when thinking of a Product Design career that spans decades, the “career ladder” comes to mind. This refers to picking an entry-level job at a company and staying there for the majority of your working years, with the goal of progressing into a high-ranking position. This rag-to-riches narrative however does not reflect the current market.

Staff / Coach Features
Bani Phul-Anand: From Beauty To Product Design
Bani Phul-Anand, a Lead Instructor of Product Design at Flatiron School, has more than 12 years of experience in Product Design. She began her career in luxury beauty and fashion, but a pivot into tech eventually led her to a career in Product Design.
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