Flatiron School

First Ruby Motion App

I recently dived into rubymotion head first and since there is a definite lack of quality tutorials out there I decided to outline my first ruby motion project.
Flatiron School

How to Do Cool Things With the CoreAudio Gem

The following is a guest post by Brad Wheel and originally appeared on his blog. Brad is currently a student a The Flatiron School. You can follow him on twitter here. Look out for part 2 soon! I recently discovered a ruby gem that acts as a wrapper for the Mac Core Audio API (it’s written in C) and […]
Flatiron School

Ruby Patterns: Mass Assignment

The following is a guest post by Kevin Curtin and originally appeared on his blog. Kevin is currently a student a The Flatiron School. You can learn more about him here, or follow him on twitter here. A common pattern in programming is to instantiate a new object and assign a bunch of attributes during initialize. You probably recognize code […]
Flatiron School

How to Make Conditional Requests to Github’s API Using Octokit

The following is a guest post by Josh Rowley and originally appeared on his blog. Josh is currently a student a The Flatiron School. You can learn more about him here, or follow him on twitter here. For the last month, my team and I have been working on Gitbo, an app for finding open source software issues on Github […]
Flatiron School

Metaprogramming: #const_set

The following is a guest post by Kevin Curtin and originally appeared on his blog. Kevin is currently a student a The Flatiron School. You can follow him on twitter here. This code sample is from the Proto gem The Goal To dynamically create classes based on the parameters of a method The Code The Breakdown We are used […]
Flatiron School

Google Maps for Rails

The following is a guest post by Aaron Streiter and originally appeared on his blog. Aaron is currently a student a The Flatiron School. You can follow him on twitter here. As a student at the Flatiron School I recently gave a presentation at the NYC on Rails meetup called Google-Maps-for-Rails. Check out the speakerdeck here! Google-Maps-for-Rails is a really neat gem […]